
Outstanding collections ranging from prehistory to modern and contemporary art, from the masterpieces of the world's oldest public museum to heritage-enhancing projects using the latest digital technologies.

Sistema Musei di Roma Capitale is this and more.

It is also a lively museum network, animated by exhibitions and special events. Each day, many educational activities are scheduled: guided tours, talks, workshops and special projects that are appropriate for all types of visitors.

Many different and stimulating ways of knowing our cultural heritage, a common and shared good which must be appreciated and protected.

E.g., 17/09/2024
Free with MIC card
I Colori dell’Antico. Marmi Santarelli ai Musei Capitolini
Musei Capitolini
13 April 2022 - 30 April 2032
On display is a broad overview of the use of coloured marble, from its origins to the twentieth century, through a fine selection of pieces from the Santarelli Foundation.
Progetto Visea
Musei Capitolini
15 December 2021 - 31 December 2024
From 15 December 2021, the Musei Capitolini are hosting the 'Visea' project, an innovative multimedia app that explains the art of fresco painting. The sequence of execution of the mural painting sequence executed by the painter Tommaso Laureti in the Sala dei Capitani in the Palazzo dei
StenLex. Rinascita - Intervento artistico site specific e stendardo urbano
Galleria d'Arte Moderna
17 September 2020 - 02 February 2025
Created on the walls of the cloister-garden is the site-specific stencil poster intervention with the exciting title "Rinascita" (Rebirth), specially created for the Gallery in collaboration with Wunderkammern Gallery.
 Il frammento ritrovato
Musei Capitolini
29 April 2021 - 28 April 2026
The Exedra of Marcus Aurelius hosts the exhibition of the hand of the bronze colossus of Constantine from the Capitoline Museums, reconstructed with the fragment of the bronze finger, corresponding to the upper two phalanges of an index finger, from the Louvre Museum, thanks to the generous


Galleria d'Arte Moderna
06 July 2024 - 02 February 2025
In esposizione circa 130 opere per ripercorrere la variegata realtà dell’espressionismo italiano, con particolare riferimento alle personalità e ai gruppi attivi principalmente a Roma, Milano e Torino.
Giuseppe Primoli e il fascino dell'Oriente
Museo Napoleonico
15 March 2024 - 26 January 2025
In occasione della mostra sul collezionismo in Italia di arte giapponese tra XIX e XX sec., il Museo Napoleonico propone una mostra tematica sull’interesse del conte Giuseppe Primoli per l’arte del Giappone e, più in generale del continente asiatico.
Musei di Villa Torlonia
25 November 2023 - 13 October 2024
The exhibition project is dedicated to Virgilio Retrosi (Roma 1892-1975), an artist present in the collections of the Museo di Roma with the 14 parade plates dedicated to the historical districts of Rome.
Lamberto Pignotti - Vie nuove, 1965/66 - Collage su cartoncino - cm 25x40 - Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Roma - GAM, inv. 5430
Galleria d'Arte Moderna
01 December 2023 - 02 February 2025
On 24 May 1963, the conference 'Art and Communication' opened in Florence at the Forte del Belvedere, which is considered by scholars to be the official founding act of Group 70.
Galleria d'Arte Moderna
23 June 2023 - 02 February 2025
Curated by Claudio Crescentini, Stefania Frezzotti and Livia Sforzini, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture - Central Institute for Restoration and the Venanzo Crocetti Foundation.
I Colori dell’Antico. Marmi Santarelli ai Musei Capitolini
Musei Capitolini
13 April 2022 - 30 April 2032
On display is a broad overview of the use of coloured marble, from its origins to the twentieth century, through a fine selection of pieces from the Santarelli Foundation.
StenLex. Rinascita - Intervento artistico site specific e stendardo urbano
Galleria d'Arte Moderna
17 September 2020 - 02 February 2025
Created on the walls of the cloister-garden is the site-specific stencil poster intervention with the exciting title "Rinascita" (Rebirth), specially created for the Gallery in collaboration with Wunderkammern Gallery.


01 September - 29 September 2024
Uno spettacolo giocoso e interattivo per bambini - e per i loro genitori -, in cui la sala del Planetario diventerà un’immaginaria rampa di lancio verso i pianeti del sistema solare… e oltre!
Voyager - Il viaggio delle sonde Voyager
01 September - 28 September 2024
Partite nel lontano 1977, le sonde Voyager sono attualmente gli oggetti costruiti dall'umanità più lontani dalla Terra.
Space Opera
01 September - 29 September 2024
Un viaggio interplanetario con una visuale a 360°, interamente basato sulle note della suite “Op.32: The Planets” di Gustav Holst.
Programmazione del Planetario dal 1° al 29 settembre 2024
01 September - 29 September 2024
Dal 1° al 29 settembre 2024 ecco la programmazione del Planetario.
Musei di Villa Torlonia
01 September - 30 September 2024
The Antiaircraft Shelter and the Bunker located under the Casino Nobile are open to the public with a new multimedia display that allows for an immersive and experiential visit.
Progetto Visea
Musei Capitolini
15 December 2021 - 31 December 2024
From 15 December 2021, the Musei Capitolini are hosting the 'Visea' project, an innovative multimedia app that explains the art of fresco painting. The sequence of execution of the mural painting sequence executed by the painter Tommaso Laureti in the Sala dei Capitani in the Palazzo dei
 Il frammento ritrovato
Musei Capitolini
29 April 2021 - 28 April 2026
The Exedra of Marcus Aurelius hosts the exhibition of the hand of the bronze colossus of Constantine from the Capitoline Museums, reconstructed with the fragment of the bronze finger, corresponding to the upper two phalanges of an index finger, from the Louvre Museum, thanks to the generous


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